Congratulations Paul Petersen

Fishermen's Finest is pleased and proud to recognize the achievement of Paul Petersen - our newest US Coast Guard licensed Engineer.

Paul started out with us on the F/V US INTREPID as a Fish Processor in 2002, moved up to Deck and then over to our Flagship Vessel F/V AMERICAN NO.1 in the Engine Room.

Paul was previously recognized as Crewmember of the Quarter - 1st Quarter 2010 - see our Ship's Blog entry below:

Petersen Crewmember of Quarter 2010

Paul and Kristian July 2011

Today (Paul and Kristian pictured above), we're proud to acknowledge that Mr. Petersen did what he set out to do year's ago and has achieved his Assistant Engineers License (and DDE certification).

Tomorrow he flies from Seattle to Dutch Harbor to join the AMERICAN NO.1 in Dutch Harbor for trip 25.  If you see Paul around the boat or ashore, please be sure to stop and say hello and congratulate him for his accomplishments.

Fishermen's Finest ~ a team of excellence ~ our name says it all.

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