Our Products
Our H&G Catcher-Processors, the F/V America’s Finest, the F/V American No. 1, and the F/V U.S. Intrepid operate nearly 10 months out of the year (January-October). We sell only bulk, wholesale, container-load sized quantities of seafood products produced aboard our vessels.
The Steps in Our Operation

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Fishermen’s Finest is a member of the following organizations as part of our commitment to sustainable fishing.
Alaska Plaice
Pleuronectes Quadrituberculatus
Arrowtooth Flounder
Atheresthes stomias
Butter Sole
Isopsetta isolepis
Flathead Sole
Hippoglossoides elassodon
Northern Rockfish
Sebastes polyspinis
Pacific Cod
Gadus macrocephalus
Pacific Ocean Perch (POP)
Sebastes alutus
shortraker Rockfish
(aka Red Snapper) Sebastes ruberrimus
Rex Sole
Glyptocephalus zachirus
Rock Sole
Lepidopsetta billineta
Alaska Pollock
Gadus chalcogrammus
Thornyhead Rockfish
Sebastolobus alascanus
kamchatka Flounder
Atheresthes evermanni
Zaprora silenus
Yellowfin sole
Limnada aspera
Greenland Turbot
Reinharditus hippoglossoides
Yelloweye Rockfish
Sebastes ruberrimus
Black Rockfish
Sebastes melanops
Atka Mackerel
Pleurogrammus monopterygius
Starry Flounder
Platichthys stellatus
Anoplopoma fimbria
Rougheye Rockfish
Sebastes aleutianus
Dusky Rockfish
Sebastes ciliatus
Bathyraja parmifera
Other spp. — products
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