Fishermen's Finest and Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation (BBEDC) have a relationship that spans nearly two decades.
We continue to offer BBEDC residents employment opportunities at Fishermen's Finest both ashore and at sea; most notably our HR Manager, Amanda Heyano started her career with us in a BBEDC/FFI Office Internship and has worked her way up through the company to HR Manager.
Further more information on the long standing FFI/BBEDC relationship, please visit the following Ship's bLog entries:
We feel its important to inform the residents of Bristol Bay of the opportunities afforded by a career at Fishermen's Finest and as such have been participating each year since the inception of the educational/career fair program under Charlene Lopez in 2008.
Pictured above, BBEDC Intern Amber Christensen Fox & HR Manager Amanda Heyano in Naknek, representing Fishermen's Finest ~ a team of excellence ~ our name says it all.