
Each Spring we offload our trips of primarily Yellowfin Sole in Togiak.  Located in the upper Bristol Bay region, Togiak is a city in the Dillingham census area, where our HR Manager Amanda Heyano was born and raised.  

Photo below by the BBAHC, shows the detail of the area as well as the numerous medical facilities in the area (nice to know we're in good hands).

With a population of 809 people, Togiak is located at the head of Togiak Bay, 67 miles (108 km) west of Dillingham.  It lies in the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge.  Togiak is in a climatic transition zone; however the Arctic climate also affects the region.  

Average summer temperatures range from 37 to 66° F (13 - 19° C); winter temperatures range from -45 to 30° F (-43 - -1° C).

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