Kung Hei Fat Choi 2015

The Chinese commonly regard sheep as an auspicious animal, and the Year of the Sheep, therefore, heralds a year of promise and prosperity.

Individuals born in this zodiac year share certain characteristics with other individuals also born in years of the same animal sign. Similarly, years sharing the same animal sign share certain characteristics, repeating over their 12/60 year cycle. 

Due to the luni-solar nature of the traditional Chinese calendar system, the "zodiacal" year does not align with the Western calendar: new years are determined by a system which results in each new year beginning on a new moon sometime between late January to mid-to-late February. Goat aspects can also enter by other chronomantic factors or measures, such as hourly.

In Chinese astrology Goats are described as loving-peace and "kind" and "popular". With the addition of the wood element, the Goat characteristic is thought to love peace and to be helpful and trusting, but yet also to be "clinging" and of a nature resistant to change.

For a look back at prior Ship's bLog entries on the Lunar New Year, please visit: 

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