OSHA Shipyard

Osha's Shipyard Industry Standards guidebook has been updated.  The book we commonly referred to as the Brown OSHA book has a new look and color (as you can see, it is now Blue).  

We take every possible measure to provide a safe, secure and impeccably maintained workplace. 

The people who work aboard our vessels are our greatest resource and we strive to surpass regulatory guidelines and set a higher standard for fishing vessel safety.  With this in mind, we strive to meet all the provisions of the various entities that govern our industry:

We work closely with Amy Duz at iWorkWise.com to coordinate the overlap of these three sources and provide the safest workplace possible.  It's not just the 'right' thing to do, it is good business.

See the link here for the entire PDF of the Shipyard Safety Standards BLUE BOOK.

For more about our safety committment, please read:

Links of Interest: 

Fishermen's Finest ~ a team of excellence ~ our name says it all.