Clem Tillion Halibut

Here are my notes from Clem Tillion’s testimony today before the North Pacific Fishery Management Council in Sitka, Alaska:

Mr. Tillion was there representing the Aleut Enterprise Corporation:

Advocating Individual vessel responsibility - Sacred cows make the best hamburger

Let’s chew some up:

Throwing back halibut over 26” = wastage

It’s not biological it’s economic - Keep 26” and above fish

Stop throwing them over – immoral to throw back.

Recommend the Council notify the IPHC that anything over 26” thrown back is a crime against the biology.

If they won’t do it, let’s end the treaty.

NMFS – if you want to save a lot of halibut allow trawl crew 30 minutes to throw back any halibut that you can get your hands on – underway so you don’t feed the whales.

If NMFS doesn’t like anyone but hired help to throw over – tough shouldn’t force extra bycatch.

80% survival to throw overboard – short tows and throw back just have observers look/watch/time and give the crew 30 minutes to get rid of the halibut bycatch.

Count Bycatch only for halibut left aboard after 30 minutes. 

Do what’s right biologically.

Pictured above, Clem Tillion addresses the crowd as Captain Hezel receives 2013 Highliner Award.

Read more about this important issue: NPFMC 223 Plenary Sitka C-2