Kodiak Awards

Fishermen's Finest lives by the adage, "Good people are the key to our Success"

Each year, we take time to recognize the men and women of Fishermen's Finest that have poured their hearts and soles into Our Company to make this all possible.  While we had the crew of the American No.1 gathered in beautiful Kodiak recently, we took the opportunity to hand out the following awards to our 5 10 & 20 year crew.  

Let's start with Mr. Carlos Desucre, our foreman on the American No.1 who has worked for us since June of 1995.  Pictured below, center, smiling and waving, Carlos is truly Fishermen's Finest - he's a natural leader, hard worker, and a fine person.  We are proud to honor him for 20 years of service and hope he enjoys his new Rolex Submariner watch.

Alex, Adam, Luis, Carlos - 20 YEARS, Ellex, Carlos, Phil, & Ross - American No.1's finest.


Congratulations as well to the following 5 and 10 year crew - 5 years awarded a Swiss Army Watch and 10 Years Omega Seamaster:

Edgar Estrada (5 years) & Capt. Erin Moore                        Abel Gomez Sr. (5 years)                                 

Adam Lee (5 years) & Capt. Moore                                     David Rodriguez (5 years) & Capt. Moore

Jose M. Villagomez (close up below)                                 Kristian Uri & Frank Robertson (5+ years)

Kristian Uri & Luis Sanchez (5 years)                                   Ramon Sanchez (5 years) & Capt. Moore

Phil Turner (10+) & Capt. Moore                                          Jose M Villagomez (5 years)

Congratulations to all Fishermen's Finest crew - we're all in this together and proud to be part of the same team.

American No.1 at port of Kodiak Pier 2 

Fishermen's Finest ~ a team of (loyal) excellence ~ our name says it all.