30 Years Capt. Erin Moore

Fishermen's Finest is a team of family and friends and it shows.  Nowhere is this more evident than in our Captain Erin B. Moore.  

On April 17, 1986 Ms. Park hired Erin to work aboard the AMERICAN NO.1 as a fish processor.  An American Dream story, Erin worked his way up through the ranks to deck and then to the wheelhouse as First Mate aboard the US INTREPID in 1997 and up to Captain in 2003.  In 2012, he came full circle and was promoted to Captain of the AMERICAN No.1 - the same ship he started out as a fish processor aboard some 26 years earlier.  

Today, we were proud to acknowledge Erin's hardwork, dedication, fishing skills, seamanship, management and overall excellence in all that he does - FOR 30 YEARS.


Not many people can say they started at the bottom and worked their way to the top in a company, but Capt. Moore has done this and we are thankful and proud.  It's a testament to the individual and the company.

In honor of the occasion, Ms. Park presented Erin with a Fishermen's Finest Championship Ring - wear it proudly and look to it as a reminder of all that we have accomplished together.   A company is nothing without good people and Mr. Moore is one of the best.  

For more information on Erin B. Moore, please visit:

Fishermen's Finest ~ a team of excellence ~ our name says it all.