Blue Forum

The Washington Maritime Blue cluster organization and its local partners, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and DNV GL, held a very successful Forum Tuesday October 29, 2019 to develop a shared maritime energy agenda for the region. It was a great opportunity for the maritime industry and R&D institutions to come together with federal organizations to identify maritime energy needs for decarbonization and cross agency/industry collaboration opportunities.

Joshua Berger, Washington Maritime Blue

Joshua Berger, Washington Maritime Blue

The event included:

  • Discussions of the role, and examples, of the federal government in supporting innovation

  • Identification of gaps in R&D projects and industry needs

  • Discussions of collaborative mechanisms that can best bridge gaps between the maritime industry and innovators in other sectors at national, regional, and local scales

  • The workshop was held concurrent with Oceans 2019.

    CLICK LINK for PRESENTATIONS from the well attended event.

Kristian UriEdgewater Hotel