Key Crew 2014

Fishermen's Finest held our Key Crew meetings at our Kirkland Headquarters today, in preparation for the 2014 Season.  As is our tradition, each year our crew gather to review the past year and plan for the year ahead. 

Our Agenda this year for our Key Crew Training at Fishermen's Finest Kirkland:

  • Responsible Employee Training
  • NMFS Observer Program Update
  • OSHA & Safety Training
  • 401k, Medical/Dental/Vision Insurance, & Retirement Planning
  • Net Flume Tank Review (Newfoundland)
  • Crew Medical Injury & Illness Training
  • CPR & First Aid Certification

As we prepare for the year ahead, we reflect back on 2013's accomplishments:

Fishermen's Finest ~ a team of excellence ~ our name says it all.