10 Years Zach Meirndorf

Zach Meirndorf stopped by the Kirkland headquarters, Tuesday April 26th to pick up his Omega Seamaster ‘James Bond’ watch - a gift from Ms. Park for 10 years of service to Fishermen’s Finest.

We asked Zach to put into his own words his career to date at Fishermen’s Finest, “I started my journey with #FishFinest at an Employment Informational Meeting in late 2011 at a hotel in Gig harbor, Washington.

I was referred to FFI by Martin Garcia, the head foreman on the U.S Intrepid. 2012 A season was my first contract onboard the U.S Intrepid as a processor; since then I have basically worked every position in the factory and even a little time on deck. Some of the positions I have held -

  • Case-up lead & assistant

  • Freezer hold

  • Factory tech

  • Assistant foreman

For the 2021-2022 season, I have mainly been assistant foreman aboard the U.S. Intrepid. I am very grateful for the opportunities that working for Fishermen’s Finest has provided for me.

When I first started at FFI, I remember thinking to myself how impossible this job is but I am glad I stuck to it and made a career out of it!

Because of this job I have been able to buy a house, travel a lot and been able to have some time off to help me and my wife finish her time consuming process of moving to the USA.”

Working for Fishermen’s Finest has been a blessing for me and my family.
— Zachary Meirndorf

Congratulations, Zach - we look forward to many more years of service. Thank you for your loyalty and dedication to Fishermen’s Finest.

If you see Zach aboard the boat in Dutch Harbor or Kodiak, or in the Shipyard or Office, please be sure to recognize him for a job well done.

Kristian Uri