20 Years Will Ryan
We celebrated Will Ryan and his 20 years of service to Fishermen’s Finest today, October 16, 2023, at our Kirkland Headquarters. Will just returned from Alaska yesterday, as First Mate aboard the US INTREPID where he moored the vessel at the Maritime Industrial Center last night (Port of Seattle / Fishermen’s Terminal).
Ms. Park presents Will Ryan with a certificate of appreciation and Rolex Submariner watch for 20 years of service.
“I am where I belong. I truly believe that with some hard work, dedication, and a never-give-up attitude you can go from the bottom all the way to the top. It’s been an honor to be part of the FFI family all these years”
Will’s Fishermen’s Finest career started as a Fish Processor for five years and then he was given a shot on deck as a Combi (combination fish processor and deck hand) for five years, eventually becoming a full-time deckhand.
From there, he worked his way up to night deck boss and eventually became a bosun. In 2019, he earned his USCG First Mate’s license and got a chance in the wheelhouse in 2022.
Up next, First Mate Ryan will achieve his Master’s license and be in the Captains chair one day – keep up the good work – enjoy your Rolex Submariner gift from Ms. Park in honor of your 20 years of service to Fishermen’s Finest.
Read more about Will Ryan and Fishermen’s Finest: