Israel Villagomez since 2001
As is customary at Fishermen’s Finest, today we honored Israel Villagomez for twenty (22 actually*) years of service.
Ms. Park presents Israel Villagomez with a Rolex Submariner gift from her to commemorate 20 years.
“I am very grateful for the opportunities the company has awarded me and my family throughout the years — I want to say thank you to Ms. Park — the last 22 years have been amazing and I look forward to many more to come.”
In addition to honoring Israel, we’d like to thank him for his patience - it has been difficult sourcing Rolex Submariners post pandemic and by the time we received this watch, Israel has actually worked here for *twenty-two years!
Israel started at Fishermen’s Finest in 2001 as a fish-processor aboard the U.S. Intrepid. Throughout the years, he worked his way up through the factory to case-up-lead. In 2014, he moved over to the American No.1 as cook, where he currently works full time. He’s also served a contract aboard America’s Finest and calls the US Intrepid home when he’s not able to sail aboard American No.1. Israel is also in good family company as he is one of eight Villagomez family members to work at Fishermen’s Finest.
We are proud of you, Israel, from your hard-work and dedication aboard the boat to the home you own in Texas – good things come to those who work hard. Keep up the good work and to everyone out there reading this, if you see Israel on the boat, dock, shipyard, or at the Kirkland Headquarters, please be sure to recognize him for a job well done.