5 years Renie Martinez

On Friday, January 12th, Ms. Park was aboard AMERICA’S FINEST at Terminal 91 to recognize Renie Martinez for more than five years of service to Fishermen’s Finest.

Ms. Park and Renie Martinez in the galley of AMERICA’S FINEST

As is customary at Fishermen’s Finest, Ms. Park gifted Rene Martinez with a Swiss Army Watch to recognize the five years of service he has provided to the AMERICAN NO.1 and AMERICA’S FINEST.

Renee came aboard in 2018 as a fish-processing technician aboard the AMERICAN NO.1. He quickly moved up to a fish-sizing expert - one of the most important jobs in the fish processing factory.

We are proud to work with you, Renie and wish you all the best as you are sailing today aboard AMERICA’S FINEST in the Bering Sea on trip 1-2024.

Renie Martinez in red, at the Dutch Harbor City Dock, Unalaska

To our FFamily and FFriends, if you see Renie, please be sure to recognize him for a job well done!

Kristian Uri