WASA - Wild Alaska Sole

Alaska Flatfish Producers Form New Marketing Association

WASA wants the world to know about Wild Alaska Sole

Seattle, WA – January 25, 2024 -- The major producers of Alaska flatfish have announced the formation a new non-profit marketing organization, the Wild Alaska Sole Association (WASA), with the goal of increasing the awareness, appreciation, and value of Wild Alaska Sole in domestic and international markets.

The Alaska flatfish fishery is the second largest federally managed fishery in Alaska and the largest flatfish fishery in the world, but until now there has been little effort to date to educate consumers about its great taste, sustainability, and versatility. WASA is committed to changing that. The group’s initial projects include research and analysis of the global flatfish market, consumer research in the U.S. market and selected European markets, and the use of these research findings to inform the development of a global brand for Wild Alaska Sole. Consumer campaigns and product promotions are planned to follow the brand development phase.

“Wild Alaska Sole is well positioned to meet the demand for wild whitefish, especially with the recent exclusion of Russian whitefish in the U.S. market, said WASA President, Jim Johnson. “Our fish has significant advantages over inferior farmed whitefish options. It’s an abundant and conservatively managed fishery that can provide consistent, high quality supply. Best of all, it offers all of the benefits the U.S. consumer is looking for – great taste, a unique eating experience, tremendous nutritional benefits, and certified sustainability.”

WASA members include Fishermen’s Finest, North Star Fishing, Ocean Peace, O’Hara Corporation, U.S. Seafoods, with Glacier Fish Company and American Seafoods as associate members. Jim Johnson of Glacier Fish Company and North Star Fishing Co. LLC serves as its President, with Frank O’Hara III of O’Hara Corporation as Vice President, Annika Saltman of Fishermen’s Finest as Secretary, and Pat Tracey of Ocean Peace as Treasurer. WASA has hired seafood marketing expert Pat Shanahan to serve as the association’s Executive Director.

“Our initial research shows that those consumers who are familiar with Wild Alaska Sole have a very positive impression about the fish,” said Johnson. “We are committed to making sure that more consumers learn about our fish, its great taste, and sustainability, so Wild Alaska Sole will be top of mind when deciding what to eat for dinner.”

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Kristian Uri