Jose Morales Villagomez

Circling Back to the start of the 2025 Season, Ms. Park recognized Jose Morales Villagomez (Jose M) for 20 plus years of service to Fishermen’s Finest in January.

Ms. Park presents Jose M with a 20-year watch and certificate of appreciation

Jose M was hired as a fish processor aboard the AMERICAN NO.1 on April 25, 2002. Over the years he worked his way up through the factory and is a fine shipmate. He has found his nitch as an expert fish size grader and is a valued member of the FFamily, currently working aboard AMERICA’S FINEST since she joined our fleet in 2019.

Jose M is a key member of our Fishermen’s Finest team, spending the vast majority of his career aboard our flagship vessel, AMERICAN NO.1. and the last six years aboard AMERICAS FINEST.

In recognition of 20 years of service, as is our tradition at Fishermen’s Finest, Ms. Park presented Henry with a twenty-year watch and a certificate of achievement as follows:

Certificate of Appreciation

This certificate is awarded to
Mr. Jose Morales Villagomez

In recognition of valuable contributions to
Fishermen’s Finest, Inc.

Thank you for an Excellent 20 years.


July 15, 2015 - click title for post

American NO.1 crew, Jose M. at the Port of Kodiak Pier 2 Kodiak Awards

Kristian Uri