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EDF Announces Advisory Council to Tackle Large-Scale Marine Technology Solutions

Experts to help shape technology development and deployment

June 2, 2021

(WASHINGTON – June 2, 2021) Today, Environmental Defense Fund announced it formed a high-level advisory council made up of leading experts from multiple countries who will focus their attention on accelerating technological progress toward greater ocean conservation, ecosystem health and sustainable marine fisheries.

The Oceans Technology Solutions Advisory Council is the first of its kind, dedicated to reimagining how technology can be developed, deployed and scaled in order to bring about triple bottom line results to tackle some of the most pressing environmental challenges facing our oceans.

The members of the OTS Advisory Council are:

· Esteban Donoso – National Deputy Director, Sernapesca, Chile

· Miguel Jorge – Former Senior Fisheries Specialist, World Bank

· Michele Kuruc – Vice President, Oceans Policy, World Wildlife Fund U.S.

· Emilie Litsinger – Senior Director, Indonesia and Philippines, EDF

· Masa Miyahara – Former President, Fisheries Research Agency of Japan

· Dennis Moran – President, Fishermen’s Finest

· Mark Schrope – Director, Schmidt Marine Technology Partners

· Shah Selbe – Founder, Conservify

· John Virdin – Director, Ocean and Coastal Policy Program, Duke Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

Read the entire press release from the Environmental Defense Fund here: Oceans Technology Solutions Advisory Council

Kristian Uri